Wasabi Cloud Storage
Why is Wasabi the World’s Hottest Cloud Storage?
80% Cheaper than Amazon S3
No egress or API fees
11x9s of Data Durability

Wasabi Powered Businesses Unlimited data, always available, endlessly affordable. That’s data, powered by Wasabi. When your data is powered by Wasabi it powers your business. Wasabi is at the core of your enterprise-ready business cloud. For many companies, migrating their data to the cloud is a necessity, but with Wasabi it’s also an opportunity. An opportunity to choose a bottomless cloud of storage that’s 1/5 the cost of AWS S3 and faster than the competition.

Wasabi Powered Businesses Unlimited data, always available, endlessly affordable. That’s data, powered by Wasabi. When your data is powered by Wasabi it powers your business. Wasabi is at the core of your enterprise-ready business cloud. For many companies, migrating their data to the cloud is a necessity, but with Wasabi it’s also an opportunity. An opportunity to choose a bottomless cloud of storage that’s 1/5 the cost of AWS S3 and faster than the competition.

Wasabi vs. Amazon S3 | Wasabi
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